Welcome to the Cachalot Museum Online!
Part of the goal of the Association is to document and preserve the historic record of Camp Cachalot, Moby Dick Council, and the camps and Councils that came before them. These pages are the beginnings of that effort, and they are very much a work in progress. Our History committee has been poring over dusty records from the basement of the Council offices; digitizing old documents, photos, and video; and trying to talk to as many of those so-called "old timers" trying to get the true and accurate history of Cachalot, and we'll be presenting as much as we can here.
Because this is a work in progress, you may find incomplete (but hopefully never incorrect) information on these pages. If you can help fill in one of the blanks, have some old pictures or memorabilia that you're willing to share, please contact us at curator@cachalotalumni.org and let us know. Unless you specifically want to donate the material, we will just make digital copies and return the originals to you.
If this is your first visit, we suggest getting started with "A Brief History of Camp Cachalot", and then browsing through our Image Gallery.
All content copyright ©2004- by the Camp Cachalot Alumni Association, except where otherwise noted.
This page was last modified on Fri Jul 18th 2008.
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