Bylaws of the Camp Cachalot Alumni Association
The purpose of the Camp Cachalot Alumni Association is to benefit the camping facilities of the Narragansett Council or its successor councils.
Any person who has, or has had any association with Camp Cachalot or any camping facility associated with the Narragansett Council or its predecessor or successor councils is eligible to become a member of the Association. Membership is confirmed by payment of membership dues annually.
Membership dues shall be in four categories:
$10 | Youth (under 21), Senior (65 and over) |
$25 | Individual |
$50 | Family |
$500 | Lifetime |
Membership dues and any other money given to the Association shall be deposited in a restricted custodial account called the "Cachalot Alumni Association Fund" and will be invested by the Narragansett Council Investment Committee or Executive Committee. Monies from the fund will be transferred to the Association operating account at the request of the Association Executive Committee.
The Association may raise funds by means other than membership dues with the understanding that such funds will be used according to the purpose of the Association. All fund raising by the Association shall require the advance approval of the Narragansett Council Executive Committee.
Obligation for payment of monies on behalf of the Association shall be incurred only upon prior authorization of the Association Executive Committee and shall be for the direct benefit of Camp Cachalot. Payment of approved obligations shall be made only upon written approval of the Association Chairman and Treasurer and shall be made from the Association operating account.
The business and affairs of the Association shall be managed by an Executive Committee consisting of not more than 10 persons (to include the Camping Chairman as designee,) all to be members of the Association. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to elect its members.
The Executive Committee shall have the following officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary, and shall establish such sub-committees as it deems necessary or desirable.
The Executive Committee may, at the request of one or more of its members, place such member(s) on leave of absence without loss of membership.
Election of Officers
In March of each year, the Executive Committee shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of 3 members of the Executive Committee. No officer is eligible to be a member of the Nominating Committee.
The Nominating Committee places members of the Association in nomination as officers or members. Nominations shall be made only with the agreement of the nominees. Prior to September 1st of each year, the Executive Committee shall vote on the nominations. Those elected shall serve for a term of one (1) year, from September 1st to August 1st of the following year. Officers shall serve no more than three (3) consecutive terms.
Responsibilities of Officers
The Chair shall be responsible for the leadership, administration, and operation of the Association and may delegate such responsibilities as the Chair sees fit. The Chair shall call all meetings of the Executive Committee and shall preside at such meetings.
The Vice Chair shall assume the responsibilities of the Chair in the latter's absence.
The Treasurer shall keep records of all funds held in trust and unrestricted accounts and of all income and expenses of the Association.
The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Executive Committee meetings and maintain Association membership and mailing list records.
The Association shall hold reunions to be held at Camp Cachalot during the regular summer camp season. Such reunions shall be planned and conducted by the Executive Committee in cooperation with the summer camp Director.
The Executive Committee shall periodically publish a newsletter to be mailed to all Association members.
The Association may conduct other activities, including fund raising and projects for the betterment of Camp Cachalot, in furtherance of the purpose for which this Association was created. All such activities shall have the prior approval of the Council Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall have a quorum of its members present to conduct the business and affairs of the Association. A quorum exists when at least fifty percent of the members, including at least two officers, are present.
Executive Committee Meetings
Members of the Executive Committee shall be given at least 10 days written notice of all its meetings. Notices shall be sent by email or US Mail and shall include the date, time, and place of the meeting and matters to be discussed.
The Chair may, with good reason, call a meeting on less than 10 days notice, provided notice is given to all members of the date, time, and place of the meeting and matters to be discussed.
With proper notice, as described elsewhere in this section, meetings may be held by telephone conference call, provided all members attending confirm that they can hear one another.
These bylaws may be amended by majority vote at a meeting of the Association Executive Committee. Such amendment must be approved by the Executive Committee of Narragansett Council.
In the event the Association dissolves or fails to meet its purpose, its records and funds shall be turned over to the Narragansett Council, or its successor Council. Any funds held in trust shall continue in trust for the benefit of Camp Cachalot or its successor.
All content copyright ©2004- by the Camp Cachalot Alumni Association, except where otherwise noted.
This page was last modified on Mon Jun 20th 2022.
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