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What are your favorite "hidden" spots at Cachalot

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Joined: 06 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 10:40 am 
Post subject: What are your favorite "hidden" spots at Cachalot
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Kind of a cool topic, with most of us spending every summer for years out there I'm sure we all have a few of them Smile

As most of you know I ventured into camp before I even knew it was a camp (I lived about a mile away as the crow flies). I vividly remember getting chased around camp by the ranger (Arthur C.) at the time but that's another story...

I have no idea how we found it but there was this place out behind the archery range/first aid cabin that for some reason had a huge hole dug in the ground covered up by some plywood. Big enough for a few people to fit in if they where hiding. Every time we had a lost camper that was one of the first places I'd think of.. luckily the "lost" campers never stayed lost enough to have to go check Smile

Anyway lets hear of some more hidden spots.. I have a few more but I want to see if anyone has any of mine Wink.

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Dave G
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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 7:42 am 
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If you head out to Abner's and go by the old foundation there is a trail that leads up the slight hill and then down to the beach. At the apex of the hill if you bushwack towards your right it clears out and you can set up a campsite and nobody can see you from the trail or anyplace else on the beach. I found it at one of the many "fun" wilderness survival overnights.
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Joined: 06 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 6:09 pm 
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There is another place like this out the back gate and up the hill. A little bit before the 1st cross road there was a place on the left hand side that was hidden from the road but opened up enough that you could camp. Well at least it used to be there ~18 years ago Laughing


Dave G wrote:
If you head out to Abner's and go by the old foundation there is a trail that leads up the slight hill and then down to the beach. At the apex of the hill if you bushwack towards your right it clears out and you can set up a campsite and nobody can see you from the trail or anyplace else on the beach. I found it at one of the many "fun" wilderness survival overnights.
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Dennis Wilkinson
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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 9:40 pm 
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One of my old favorite hidden spots isn't so hidden any more -- it's actually been promoted to a full campsite (I think they're calling it "Witches Circle" now, no idea where that name came from.) Little site on a small hill, with two small ponds close by, south and a little west of the main road in the north end of camp, not too far from the firebreak.

Right about here, actually.

I've got a few more, but like John, I'm curious to see if anyone else uses them, too.
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Michael Escobar

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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 12:47 pm 
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Dave G wrote:
If you head out to Abner's and go by the old foundation there is a trail that leads up the slight hill and then down to the beach. At the apex of the hill if you bushwack towards your right it clears out and you can set up a campsite and nobody can see you from the trail or anyplace else on the beach. I found it at one of the many "fun" wilderness survival overnights.

Hmmmm, this sounds like the old Neemat lodge council circle that we cleared out in the early 1970's. At the time, most of the camp was scrub oak and rather short pitch pine, so we were clearing heavy scrub brush. I vaguely remember Brian Nobrega using this rather nasty looking tool which looked like a naked circular saw at the end of a 6 foot pole. (Think of a weed wacker on steroids.)

If it is the same site, we used it for a few years. Then someone decided to take literally the comment in the OA ceremony guide book which said that the circle needed to be at a different compass point in camp. So, the circle was moved again in the late 1970's.

-- Mike
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 3:15 pm 
Post subject: Re: What are your favorite "hidden" spots at Cacha
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jwoolley wrote:

I have no idea how we found it but there was this place out behind the archery range/first aid cabin that for some reason had a huge hole dug in the ground covered up by some plywood. Big enough for a few people to fit in if they where hiding. Every time we had a lost camper that was one of the first places I'd think of.. luckily the "lost" campers never stayed lost enough to have to go check Smile



I think a few of the older guys in my Troop (51) dug out that hole back around 1984/1985. I remember Aaron Bauer and I used to hide out there when we were campers, out at the Adirondacks. It was a great way to get out of latrine duty!

Maybe Rich Schuster (sp?) knows it might have been him and John Labbe who did it.

Then again, it could have been there even longer.
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Dave G
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:55 am 
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Another one I thought of is right in plain sight and a little hard to hide in now.

At the triangle in front of the boat house there is the stand of evergreen tree. In the past the trees were short and you could jump in there and be totally hidden from view. I have hidden in there while many a many hunt games went on.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:13 pm 
Post subject: not really a secret - suicide hill
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I used to love running from Acoshnet campsite down suicide hill, over the two hills and down to the creek behind the staff site.

that was a lot of fun, although we were constantly told never to go that way.
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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 3:59 pm 
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There was a spot right by Tom Cullen field, between the field and the main road, where for whatever reason one of the big pines grew out of a small hole. The lowest branches more or less covered the hole and made it an easy place to disappear in.

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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 4:01 pm 
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I knew the spot at Abner's.

Dennis, I think we went camping in your spot one time with 46 didn't we? But it rained so bad we moved to the Adirondacks the second night...
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 11:25 am 
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Dennis Wilkinson wrote:
One of my old favorite pre workout and hidden spots isn't so hidden any more -- it's actually been promoted to a full campsite (I think they're calling it "Witches Circle" now, no idea where that name came from.) Little site on a small hill, with two small ponds close by, south and a little west of the main road in the north end of camp, not too far from the firebreak.

Right about here, actually.

I've got a few more, but like John, I'm curious to see if anyone else uses them, too.

Anybody been to this spot lately? Do you think it would be a nice campsite for picnics in the spring?
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